Upcoming Meetings & Hearings

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Past Meetings & Hearings

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Meeting to consider SB 1131 and SB 1289; and HB 2160, HB 2265 and HB 2288

Event Date: September 17
Senate Local Government Committee | Room 461, MCB
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Meeting to consider HB 1730

Event Date: June 11
Senate Local Government Committee | Room 8E-A, East Wing
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Meeting to consider SB 1132, SB 1133, SB 1134 and HB 1477

Event Date: April 9
Senate Local Government Committee | Room 8E-A, East Wing
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Meeting to consider SB 978, SB 982, HB 1231, HB 1232, and HB1234

Event Date: December 12
Senate Local Government Committee | Room 8E-A, East Wing


Cybersecurity Threats Faced by Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Examined by Senate Committees
January 31, 2024

Cybersecurity Threats Faced by Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Examined by Senate Committees

Cybersecurity threats faced by local governments and municipal authorities were the focus of a public hearing today held by the Senate Communications and Technology Committee, chaired by Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), and the Senate Local Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Rosemary M. Brown (R-40).  [Read More]

Senate Committee Advances Measure Ensuring Pennsylvania Homes, Businesses Have Access to Diverse Energy Options
March 6, 2023

Senate Committee Advances Measure Ensuring Pennsylvania Homes, Businesses Have Access to Diverse Energy Options

Legislation ensuring that state residents have options when it comes to fuel availability was approved today by the Senate Local Government Committee, according to Sen. Rosemary Brown (R–40), who chairs the committee.  [Read More]

The Local Government Committee is responsible for reviewing legislation that affects Pennsylvania’s more than 2,500 county and municipal government entities. The committee also has oversight of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System and the Pennsylvania Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff’s Education and Training Board.

Contact Us

Senate Box 203040
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3013

Telephone: 717-787-6123
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